Wilde Takes

Urban Fantasy Meets Vancouver’s Landmarks
Mini transportation has always fascinated me. It started with the miniature train in Vancouver’s Stanley Park, a nostalgic treasure that transforms into a festive wonder during the holidays and a spooky...
Urban Fantasy Meets Vancouver’s Landmarks
Mini transportation has always fascinated me. It started with the miniature train in Vancouver’s Stanley Park, a nostalgic treasure that transforms into a festive wonder during the holidays and a spooky...

How to Create a Love Story in 10 Songs
A Challenge for Romance Lovers Are you an urban fantasy or paranormal romance fan who loves music as much as you love diving into magical worlds? Here's your chance to...
How to Create a Love Story in 10 Songs
A Challenge for Romance Lovers Are you an urban fantasy or paranormal romance fan who loves music as much as you love diving into magical worlds? Here's your chance to...

Deb is happy to sign books
Author Deborah Wilde hits the road with her funny, sexy urban fantasy books. You can catch her next in 2025 at BB4E in Vancouver. The event in Vancouver is sold out...
Deb is happy to sign books
Author Deborah Wilde hits the road with her funny, sexy urban fantasy books. You can catch her next in 2025 at BB4E in Vancouver. The event in Vancouver is sold out...

Happy Howl at the Moon Day!
I swear I'm not making up this holiday. lol However, I am celebrating it with a TODAY ONLY (October 26) flash sale of my HOWL AT THE MOON ebook...
Happy Howl at the Moon Day!
I swear I'm not making up this holiday. lol However, I am celebrating it with a TODAY ONLY (October 26) flash sale of my HOWL AT THE MOON ebook...

Must-Read Adult Urban Fantasy Books: Where Magi...
Adult urban fantasy feature adult protagonists navigating magical threats in familiar cityscapes. Some worlds include supernatural creatures, others stick to humans who possess magic. Romance is optional, but often included....
Must-Read Adult Urban Fantasy Books: Where Magi...
Adult urban fantasy feature adult protagonists navigating magical threats in familiar cityscapes. Some worlds include supernatural creatures, others stick to humans who possess magic. Romance is optional, but often included....